Sunday, September 25, 2011

School Days

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for my long blogging hiatus.  Things have been crazy and I was never really in the habit of blogging anyway. But I will try to be better. Really I will. On to the post:

Although I am home schooled I do actually attend a school once a week.  Unfortunately the school has a dress code, so I am forced to get very creative with my outfits on those days.  Here is last week's result:

My brother actually agreed to take these pictures for me and I have to admit, he did pretty good for a ten year old

This is the tree face in our front yard.  It is actually quite creepy when you walk past it at night

Hopefully I'll be back with more posts soon!  Have an amazing day!

Savannah <3

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The treehouse

Outfit details:
Hat- vintage
Jeans - stolen from my mother
Shirt - Dare I even say it? Walmart. Yes I did say Walmart.

This is what happens when I'm bored.  Weird toenail polish. 

My grandfather (with my dad's help) built this tree house for me when I was about 8 years old and desperately wanted one.  Is that a great grandpa or what?

As you can probably tel from my tan lines, I  was out on the lake all weekend.  So much fun!! I'd never been tubing before and let me tell you, it was awesome!  We went for my brothers birthday, which was last Tuesday.  My cousin went with us, too and we made tye-dye shirts in the lake (yes, yes the lake is dirty enough to dye t-shirts) I'll have to show mine to you when I finally wear it.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A mess of randomness

Hello to all you lovelies out there! Before I go on to anything else I just have to point out that Modcloth's music section of their blog is awesome!  They introduced me to the amazingness that is Mr. Little Jeans and let me tell you, they've done it again by telling us about Violens! If you haven't heard their songs, you should totally go check them out!  And now I have to show you some of the lovely pictures I've seen today....
For some reason I have this strange obsession with beautiful photos of doors
I see this and instantly think "Alice in Wonderland"

I love the pairing of the floaty textures and the heavy bangles 

This speaks for itself

This is such a striking photo. I want it hanging on my wall.

Is it strange that I want to have a party just so I can set a table like this?

I love pictures with movement in them. Twirling, jumping dancing, falling.
(All photos via pinterest)

I will try to get some more outfit photos up and hopefully I will acquire some actual followers soon, but until then, I'll just pretend you're out there reading.


Friday, June 24, 2011

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers....

Hello lovelies!  Okay, finally an outfit post.  It's been so hot here that it's nearly impossible to come up with any outfits but, finally, I have one. This plant is one of the only ones in our garden that still looks absolutely lovely despite the 90+ temperatures we've had here every day. Also I apologize for the scarcity of photos, but my mother is my photographer and for some reason she hates taking pictures, of course that could be due to the fact that it is extremely hot outside. Oh well.  Doesn't the weather here just sound lovely?


p.s. Almost forgot outfit details, oops!  It's all thrifted anyhow so I suppose it doesn't matter...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teacup Envy

My first post! Eeeep!  So excited! Anyways....
Since I do not have any outfit photos yet, I thought I would dedicate my first most to something that is entirely unrelated to clothing, but that I'm still obsessed with: TEACUPS!

How cute is the one on the bottom? I love the turquoise with the roses


I love how the little owl appears as you drink the tea! Some might call it creepy but I, for one, think it's adorable

From Ibegley -
I love the color blocking and the scallops on the teacups, they have such a vintage-y feel. 

And to make this partially about fashion.....


 A teacup ring!! It's so cute! If only you could really drink from it...